Original Third Reich Newspapers For Sale on USMBOOKS.com
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Illustrirte Zeitung July - October 1940 BOUND
A nearly 5 pound hardcover book containing the July - October 1940 issues of the
oversized Nazi news magazine Illustrirte Zeitung. Remarkable coverage of the
Nazi invasions of France and Norway, foreign and diplomatic news,
the economy - all accompanied by photos, maps and superb war art.
Wiener Neueste Nachrichten, Abendausgabe 12. 3. 1938
The historic 12 March 1938 evening edition of the Wiener Neueste Nachrichten
covering the beginning of the Anschluss, the reunification of Austria with
Nazi Germany and announcing the arrival of Himmler and Heydrich in Vienna.
10. April 1938 Volksabstimmung, vote YES for Hitler
The rare historic 11 April 1938 edition of the Vienna newspaper Der Montag
filled with news of the overwhelming results of the Volksabstimmung
or plebiscite of 10 April 1938 - 99.7% voted YES for Hitler!
Illustrirte Zeitung Leipzig, October - December 1939 bound
A 5 pound hardcover book containing the October - December 1939 issues of
the oversized Nazi news magazine Illustrirte Zeitung. Remarkable coverage
of the Nazi invasion of Poland and other foreign and diplomatic news,
accompanied by photos, maps and superb war art, lots of it in color.
Berliner Illustrirte Zeitung Mai - Juni 1938
All seven issues of the Nazi news tabloid Berliner Illustrirte Zeitung published between 5 May and 15 June 1938 - a total of 282 photo filled pages with extensive coverage of Hitler's historic state visit to Italy as well as fascinating observations and images of a 100 day car trip through the USA by a German reporter in a Mercedes-Benz.
Münchner Illustrierte Presse 3 x 1934
Three 1934 issues of the Munich news tabloid Münchner Illustrierte Presse with heavily illustrated articles on BdM obligatory labor service, prisons in New York, the construction of Olympic facilities in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, remembering the 9 November 1923 Putsch, and Hermann Goering’s forest cabin Carinhall on the Schorfheide north of Berlin (before it enormous expansion).
Berliner Illustrirte Zeitung January + February 1938
The first eight issues of the Nazi news tabloid Berliner Illustrirte Zeitung published
in January and February of the year 1938 - a total of 280 photo filled pages
containing the latest news and happenings in Nazi Germany and the world.
Berliner Illustrirte Zeitung March + April 1938
Nine consecitive March and April 1938 issues of the Nazi news tabloid Berliner
Illustrirte Zeitung
- a total of 360 photo filled pages with extensive coverage
of the Austrian reunification with Hitler's Germany.
Deutsche Illustrierte, German War weekly news magazine
Two lots of the heavily illustrated German weekly Deutsche Illustrierte,
all World War II issues with the latest front line news and
photos, jokes and cartoons, and home front advertising.
Reichskriegerzeitung, Reichsblatt des NS.-Reichskriegerbundes
A lot of three rare original May 1940 Reichskriegerzeitung, the official illustrated
weekly newspaper of the NS-Reichskriegerbund (National Socialist State
Veterans Association) filled with war news and military announcements.
Illustrierter Beobachter 26 November 1936
The 26 November 1936 edition of the Nazi Party 'Illustrated Observer' with
extensive photo coverage of the SS-Standarte Deutschland barracks and meeting
of the leadership of the Nazi Party and State at Ordensburg Vogelsang. Very rare!
1934 Munich Illustrated Press newspapers
Two lots of heavily illustrated 1934 issues of the Nazi news publication
Münchner Illustrierte Presse
(Munich Illustrated Press) filled with
photo articles, short stories, cartoons, period advertising, etc.
Der Tag des Führers 20 April 1939 Hamburger Fremdenblatt
The rare evening edition of the Nazi newspaper Hamburger Fremdenblatt
for Der Tag des Führers 20 April 1939, Adolf Hitler's 50th birthday.
Hamburger Tageblatt, Zeitung der Nationalsozialistischen Deutschen Arbeiterpartei und der DAF Gau Hamburg 21 April 1939
The 21 April 1939 edition of the Nazi Party daily newspaper Hamburger Tageblatt
with extensive coverage of Hitler's 50th birthday and a front page article
questioning the mental state of sitting American President Roosevelt!
Wiener Mittag Nazi newspaper
A fine original example of a 25 May 1940 Vienna afternoon newspaper with war
warnings for England by Nazi Press Chief Dr. Otto Dietrich on the front page.
Münchner Illustrierte Presse 10 August 1944
The 10 August 1944 Nazi news weekly Münchner Illustrierte Presse with very
interesting news articles and photo features about V1 rockets, the
Battle of Normandy and the manufacture of Panther
Hamburger Anzeiger 9 August 1944 - Hitler plot traitors trial
The 9 August 1944 edition of Hamburger Anzeiger with Normandy war news and the verdict (immediate hanging) for eight high-ranking Nazi officers (including Field
Marshal Erwin von Witzleben) involved in the 20 July 1944 plot to kill Adolf Hitler.
Hitler is dead Hamburg newspaper 2 May 1945
A rare and historical, original Hamburger Zeitung, the consolidated Hamburg
newspaper for 2 May 1945 announcing the death of der Führer, Adolf Hitler.
Hamburger Illustrierte Zeitung 27 Mai 1942
The original 27 May 1942 afternoon edition of the Nazi newspaper Hamburger Illustrierte Zeitung filled with war news, a lengthy (one year anniversary) recap of the heroic battle by the battleship Bismarck as well as the death of Eva Chamberlain-Wagner, the daughter of Richard Wagner and wife of radical anti-Semite Houston Stewart Chamberlain.
Two rare original issues of the satirical newspaper from Vienna called Kikeriki,
with very anti-Jewish text and illustrations, 95+ years old, complete!
Westdeutsches Grenzblatt Amtliches Organ der NSDAP
The 12 May 1933 example of the official Nazi Party newspaper Westdeutsches
with articles about the Nazi book burning in Berlin, legislation
about the misuse of the Nazi eagle and swastika symbol and the German
crew that rescued members of the US Navy airship USS Akron.
Nazi newspaper Volkskampf, Offizielles Organ der NSDAP Kreis Kiel
An original November 1932 Special Election Edition of the weekly newspaper
published by the NSDAP in the city of Kiel with coverage
of Reichsorganisationsleiter Gregor Strasser's important election speech.
Rare 1940 DAF newspaper for employees of
the Hermann Göring Works in Linz.
Very rare 1941 issue of Siemens-Mitteilungen, the factory newspaper for
employees of the Berlin-Siemensstadt electronics plant of Siemens.
Nazi newspaper holder stick
Superb film prop recreations of Nazi era newspaper holder sticks used in café's, bars and other public places during the Third Reich - Der Stürmer and Völkischer Beobachter.