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Every collector of Third Reich 3D books would love to own a copy of HITLER MUSSOLINI der Staatsbesuch des Führers in Italien. While it is somewhat unfortunate that this original Third Reich Raumbildalbum is missing some of its pictures, the rare book itself is in very nice condition as are most of the pictures. The good news is, that it is one of the rarest of the Raumbild 3D books of Third Reich Germany and most serious collectors will never own one. The right buyer for this bargain-priced rare book is someone who is patient enough to seek out and buy as many of the missing pictures as possible, or perhaps even a whole set of pictures. They do exist somewhere. The book has no odor.
The original metal Raumbildbrille or stereoscopic photo viewing glasses are stored in the cavity inside the front cover. That page also has a small sticker of a bookstore in the city of Brünn (now Brno in the Czech Republic) where this rare Nazi stereoscopic book was purchased during the Third Reich.
IMPORTANT, please note:
This ultra-rare original 1938 Nazi 3-D photo book is not complete. Twenty-one of the 100 original pictures are missing. They are numbers 1, 5, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 39, 40, 41, 43, 44, 45, 46, 51, 52 and 53. Also, pictures 13, 23, 25, 38, 42, 47, 48, 49, 70, 73 and 74 are slightly damaged in some way as pointed out and shown above. They can be viewed in 3D but are not in perfect condition. |
The photos above and left have some spotting.
There are 11 pictures with this kind of damage but
they can be viewed in 3D using the Raumbildbrille
that accompanies this 85+ year old book.
After Benito Mussolini’s successful visit to Nazi Germany in 1937, Adolf Hitler accepted Il Duce’s invitation for a state visit to Italy. It took place from 3-10 May 1938. This is a very rare original Third Reich example of the Raumbild-Verlag Otto Schönstein 3D book HITLER MUSSOLINI der Staatsbesuch des Führers in Italien with photographs by Reichsbilderberichterstatter der NSDAP Heinrich Hoffmann and German-language text by author (and SS-Standartenführer) Henrich Hansen. The foreword is by NSDAP Press Chief, Dr. Dietrich.
This original 8 x 11-3/4 inch Nazi 3D photo book HITLER MUSSOLINI was published in 1938. It has 48 pages of text, plus 8 black card stock pages interspersed in the text with 22 numbered 3D photos on them.

Mussolini had prepared well for the visit of the Führer and he was the toast not only of the cities of Rome, Florence and Napels but also of the country. Rome and Florence were decked out in splendor and the Italian army and Italian paramilitary organizations were paraded incessantly. There were meetings with the Italian King, army and naval demonstrations, parades by Italian Fascist Youth, wreath laying ceremonies, speeches, visits to museums, fireworks displays, etc. |
This Nazi stereo photo book may be the rarest and most valuable of the twenty or so 3-D books produced to document NSDAP subjects during the Third Reich. The special tan leatherette covers with dark red embossed lettering are each about 1/2-inch thick and are die-cut with four cavities made to hold 100 special Heinrich Hoffmann 3-dimensional stereo photographs (real photographs from negatives - NOT halftone prints) and the metal viewer with glass lenses that one sets up to view the photographs.
The stereo photographs each measure 2-3/8 x 5-1/8 inches, are numbered and have a full description of the subject printed on the back (pages 47 and 48 of the book also have the complete caption of each of the 100 photos that came with the book). When seen in the viewer, each picture is incredibly three-dimensional, almost as if the scene was being viewed in real life. No other photo process can give the viewer an equal feeling of actually “being there”; it is like standing behind Hitler, Mussolini, Himmler and Hess during the military maneuvers at Santa Marinella (photos left and below)!
There are photos of Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, Italian Foreign Minister Count Galeazzo Ciano, Italian King Victor Emmanuel and Crown Prince Umberto, Hermann Göring, official wreath laying ceremonies,
Mussolini's guard detail on motorcycles, Reichsleiter Philipp Bouhler, Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler, Deputy Führer Rudolf Hess, Italian Foreign Minister Count Ciano, Palazzo Venezia, the National Fascist Party PNF, the Pantheon, the gardens of Mussolini's Rome residence Villa Torlonia, Bersaglieri with their fancy hats, visits to museums, aboard ship, a performance of the Wagner opera Lohengrin at Forum Mussolini, driving through the decorated streets of Florence in Mussolini's maroon Lanzia convertible, on the balcony of Palazzo Vecchio and much, much more.

This ultra-rare Nazi stereo photo book about Hitler's 1938
visit to Italy
is ** SOLD **
USM book #934
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IN MAY 1938