The Olympiazeitung (Olympic Newspaper) was published daily in Berlin from 21 July through 19 August 1936. The Olympiazeitung was the official organ on the XI Olympic Games, and each photo-filled issue ran from about 16 to 24 pages with dozens of photos and photo captions in German, English and French.
While the Olympiazeitung was certainly controlled by the Nazis, readers today would be astonished by the objective coverage given to black athletes and foreign athletes, especially Americans. It is the "Hollywood history" of today that seriously reports that American blacks were officially shunned or even treated badly by their German hosts. This contemporary record tells quite a different story. Jesse Owens and other black and white Americans were studied and reported on with curious delight by the Germans.
Offered for sale on this USMBOOKS we page are the issues for 21 July 1936 (issue #1), 28 July, 29 July, 30 July, 31 July and 1 August 1936 (issues 8 through 12), a total of SIX issues.
They contain photo articles about the cleaning up and decorating of the city of Berlin before the start of the Olympic Games, the arrival of athletes from all over the world, the Olympic Art Exhibition, Olympic fever and autograph seekers, how to deal with "strangely" dressed foreigners and their customs, the route of the Olympic flame (Olympia, Belgrade, Budapest, Austria), the Olympic rowing facilities in Grünau, the first practice of the USA swim team in Berlin, Baron Pierre Coubertin, Wehrmacht members of the German equestrian team, special schedules for trains to Berlin, Olympic press facilities, female German and Italian runners, review of motorized troops by NSKK leader Hühnlein, Max Schmeling visiting with Olympic athletes, Werner March (architect of the Olympic stadium), Dr. Goebbels' reception for the visiting international press and other official pre-Olympic festivities with Nazi dignitaries, Olympic postcards, and there is even an article about Jesse Owens with the title "Why Are You So Fast Mr. Owens?"
Each issue also has a photo article highlighting a specific picturesque region of Germany (Saxony, Saarpfalz, Thuringia, Ostmark, Silesia, etc.) as well as advertising for banks, beer, English language lessons, rooms for rent in private homes, Rodenstock binoculars, Hohner harmonicas, NSU motorcycles, and all kinds of special publications about the Olympic Games in Berlin.
These six original old issues of the Olympiazeitung are used but complete. Nothing has been cut out or defaced. No writing, no odor. They were printed 78 years ago to be read and thrown away, not saved so they naturally show their age and use but are perfectly readable. Fantastic photo material!
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This Nazi lot of six 1936 Olympiazeitung is **SOLD**
• Add $8.95 for Media Mail OR $14.95 if you prefer Priority Mail with USPS Tracking. |
• IF you wish to purchase highly recommended, but optional insurance, add $2.95. |
• We will be happy to ship abroad at additional cost. Please inquire. |