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This magnificent Nazi Horseman & Horse Breeding book is **SOLD**.
USM book # 570
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This is a very nice example of the huge 9-3/4 x 13 inch, 714 page very, very heavily illustrated hardcover book Das Deutsche Reiterbuch - Pferdezucht und Pferdesport in Großdeutschland (The German Horseman Book - Horsebreeding and Horse Sport in Greater Germany) by Rolf Roeingh as published by Deutscher Archiv-Verlag in Berlin in 1940. The 2 inch thick, 8 pound book is printed on the finest papers with hundreds upon hundreds of unique photographs, some in color.
Das Deutsche Reiterbuch was published under the patronage of Generalfeldmarschall von Mackensen in cooperation with personnel of the Reichsministries, the Oberkommando of the Army, the Reichsnährstand organization Horses in Service, and the top leadership of the Reichsverband for Breeding and Testing of German Warm Bloods.
It opens with a full-page portrait of Adolf Hitler by Franz Triebsch, immediately followed by a full-page photograph of Generalfeldmarschall Hermann Göring in Luftwaffe uniform with his baton, Pour Le Mérite and wedding sword. Probably the best portrait in the book is the superb full-color one showing Richard Walther Darré (Reichsbauernführer and head of the Rasse- und Siedlungshauptamt-SS or the Race and Settlement Main Office of the SS) seated in a Napoleonesque pose in the black overcoat of a SS General.
The book is divided into four huge sections that cover the history and use of Vollblut and Warmblut horses in Germany from the beginning of time. Interspersed in the text are full-page portraits of the most artistic sort (nearly all done specifically for this work) showing the most influential people in horses in Third Reich Germany.
Those portraits include Generalfeldmarschall August von Mackensen, Generaloberst von Brauchitsch, Oberlandstallmeister Dr. H. Seyffert, SA Obergruppenführer Wolff Graf von Heldorff, SS Brigadeführer Franz Breithaupt, General der Artillerie A.D.M.V. Poseck, SA Obergruppenführer Litzmann, Generalmajor Z.V. Adam, Botschafter Franz von Papen, General der Kavallerie A.D.H. von Kayser, Generaloberst Keitel and others.

Smaller than full-page portraits include pictures of Hitler's future brother-in-law SS-Standartenführer Fegelein, Olympic gold medal winner Oberleutnant Kurt Hasse, SS and Police General Kurt Daluege, Leutnant Manfred Freiherr von Richthofen, Hermann Göring, King Frederick II, etc.
There are photos of SS and SA Riding Schools and an entire section on the use of horses in the German Wehrmacht including chapters on horses in the Cavalry, Artillery, Infantry, etc. There are lists of SS, SA and military riders that were winners of competitions over the years. There is even a chapter
"My Friend Horse" written by Dr. Sven Hedin.
In short, Das Deutsche Reiterbuch - Pferdezucht und Pferdesport in Großdeutschland provides far and away the best possible overview of the subject of horses in Germany ever put in print.
This example of the book is in fine condition. It does not have any of the problems that one associates with very large, very heavy oversized books.
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