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Most people familiar with the Third Reich period know of Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler and his passion for genealogy, heredity and all aspects of the historical racial make-up of the German people. The interest of Hitler and Himmler was the driving force behind the flourishing genealogy societies and genealogical research in Nazi Germany.
After 1933 it became very fashionable, but not an absolute requirement for most people, in Nazi Germany to do the research to complete a four generation Ahnenpaß or Ancestry Document. It was a minimum requirement for entry into the SS or Waffen-SS.

This is a very nice softcover 48-page, 5-3/8 x 8-1/8 inch Ahnenpass with a Nazi eagle and swastika on the tan softcover, printed by the Nazi Party Publishing House Franz Eher in Munich. Page 2 has a quote by Adolf Hitler about the importance of pure German blood and race for the future of the Nation. This is followed by a printed paragraph from the Programm der NSDAP about citizens and countrymen, and that no Jews could ever be fellow countrymen.

This Ahnenpaß was filled out by Edmund Schlöß who was born on 15 July 1926 in the Sichelsdorf, and baptized on 25 July 1926. He was the son of Eduard Schlöß and Berta Schlöß. His mother Berta, née Korger had been married before to a man named Dirnt when she wed Eduard Schlöß on 12 September 1919. Other families connected through this genealogy include Valenta, Freudl, Zimprich, Diblik, Köhler, Schleß, Bröckner, Bassler, Schula and others.
There are also clearly written entries for Edmund Schlöß' grandparents, great-grandparents and great-great-grandparents on is father's and mother's side of the family dating back 15 generations to 1819!

All entries are accompanied by the official round stamp of a Roman Catholic priest of the church in Sichelsdorf which confirmed that the entries were certified as correct. The beautiful and idyllic small town of Sichelsdorf is now called Zichlinek and is in the Pardubice Region, the eastern part of Bohemia in the Czech Republic.
In the Ahnenpass of Edmund Schlöß we found a historic 6-1/8 x 9-1/8 inch print out of a Nazi archival copy of the Leichenöffnungsbefundbericht, the "corpse report" stating the findings of the Wehrmacht Pathologist of Feldpost Nr. 22586 (Stab Armee-Sanitats-Abteilung 542) in the death of a Grenadier called Eduard [last name blacked out but clearly it was Schlöß since the document was part of this Ahnenpass]. The dog tag number of Grenadier Eduard was 6034 and he was in the 4./I.R,Btl.16 mot., of Grenadier Regiment 71, part of the 6th Army of Generalfeldmarschall Friedrich Paulus. Army Doctor Daggel stated Grenadier Eduard died of exhaustion, extreme emaciation and pneumonia on 15 December 1942 at Ygel in suburban Stalingrad. This death case was entered into the Nazi archives on 14 April 1943.
The entries in this original Third Reich Ahnenpass are easy to read and it is rare to find any Ahnenpass with ancestors dating back as far as 1819! The additional piece of history about the death in Stalingrad is unique in our study of such documents.
Rare and 100% original to the Third Reich..
This Nazi Ahnenpass with Stalingrad death report is **SOLD**.
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