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The National Socialist Revolution, Dr. Walther Gehl
An original 1933 example of 'The National Socialist Revolution', an illustrated educational publication containing history and civics for all citizens of Nazi Germany.
1943 Ahnenerbe Foundation photo book
A high-quality, meticulously researched 1943 Ahnenerbe Foundation photo book
with a preface by Reichsführer-SS Himmler about historical German wood,
glass and stone implements throughout the ages.
Das Böhmen und Mähren-Buch Volkskampf und Reichsraum
A huge 3-3/4 pound 1943 Nazi photo book about Bohemia and Moravia,
its Germanic history thru the ages and its incorporation
into Adolf Hitler's Greater German Reich.
1941 Technik voran!
A fine example of the 1941 edition of Technik voran!, the in-depth 'Yearbook for all Friends of German Technology' published for the State Institute for Professional Education in Trade and Industry, filled with photos, illustrations, sketches and tables.
Illustrierte Kriegschronik der 3. (M.G. Schtz.) M.G. Batl. 5 (mot.) im ersten Kriegsjahr 1939-40
A heavily illustrated hardcover unit history "War Chronicle" of a small Nazi
motorized machine gun battalion that participated in the invasion
of France in May-June 1940 - rare photo content
Welt in Waffen 1933, Berichte, Photos, Zahlen zur Debatte über Sicherheit und Abrüstung
Welt in Waffen, a heavily illustrated 1933 German book subtitled
“Reports, Photos, Numbers for a Debate about Security and Disarmament”
with great photo content and interesting statistics.
1943 autobiography Nazi paratrooper General Ramcke
A 1943 autobiography about the life and career of Ritterkreuz recipient,
Nazi Paratrooper General Bernhard Ramcke - great photo content
not found in other Third Reich books.
Ten Years of Italian Progress, an original English language publication highlighting
the accomplishments of Fascist Italy from 1922 to 1932, published by ENIT in 
1933 or fascist year XI, the 11th year since the 1922 Fascist March on Rome.
Konstantin Hierl - der Mann und sein Werk
An extensive hardcover Third Reich biography of Reichsarbeitsführer Konstantin
Hierl illustrated with seldom seen photos of the leader of the Nazi labor movement.
Jeder muß helfen! Dein Pflichten im Vierjahresplan - 1939
A heavily illustrated 1939 publication urging citizens of Nazi Germany to recycle,
and that it should be considered a national economic necessity and duty
to help the Fatherland.
Bilder aus Berlin, Potsdam und Umgebung 1936 Buch
Pictures from Berlin, Potsdam and the Surrounding Area, a fine 1936 Nazi photo
book with captions in German, English and French produced
especially for international visitors to the 1936 Summer Olympics
Almanach der nationalsozialistischen Revolution, 1934 First Edition with Ernst Rohm
** SOLD **
Der Fuehrer, Adolf Hitler’s Rise to Power, Konrad Heiden
A 1944 English language translation of Der Fuehrer, an insightful, lively view of
Adolf Hitler, National Socialism and Nazi Germany by journalist
Konrad Heiden, PLUS rare period advertising for the book.
Reichsminister für Bewaffnung und Munition Dr. Todt
Front in der Heimat, a very interesting 1942 Nazi photo book on the wartime
German armament industry and its workers, "contributors to the German
Victory on all war fronts", with fascinating photo content.
RAD in WW2, Jahrgang 24
Jahrgang 24, a 1943 German World War II book about young men (born in 1924)
of the Reichsarbeitsdienst (the German Labor Service) trained to
assist the Wehrmacht on the East Front and in occupied France.
Breakthrough of Social Honor, Labor  in Nazi Germany according to Robert Ley
A fine 1935 First Edition of “Breakthrough of Social Honor”, Dr. Robert Ley’s thoughts on labor and its importance to the national spirit of Nazi Germany. With original dust jacket and from the library of NSDAP Ortsgruppe Nürnberg-St. Johannis, Gau Franken.
Mein Deutschland - Mensch und Landschaft, 1937
A 1937 linen hardcover photographic tribute to the new Nazi Germany and
its people called Mein Deutschland - Mensch und Landschaft
(My Germany - its People and Landscape).
USA - OKW Tornisterschrift
A rare 1943 OKW book published for Nazi soldiers explaining the United States - its history, size, immigrant population, the concept of liberty and FDR's political control.
Schlag Nach über Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
An original 1941 Nazi publication about the United States explaining its size,
history, government, press, religion, armed forces, education system, industry
and trade, with accompanying color map of the US and Mexico.
Ausgewählte Reden des Führers 1938 (Selected Speeches of the Führer).
The special Luftwaffe edition of 1938 “Selected Speeches of the Führer” which includes the last Nazi Party Days held in Nuremberg, as well as speeches from the time of the Munich Agreement and 15th Putsch anniversary at the Bürgerbräukeller in Munich.
So Kämpfte Finnland, Wiking Verlag 1941
** SOLD **
Hundert Familien Beherrschen das Empire, ENGLAND OHNE MASKE NR. 10
Hundert Familien Beherrschen das Empire (One Hundred Families that Rule
the Empire), number 10 from the anti-British propaganda
book series “England without a Mask” from 1940.
Anti-British Nazi propaganda book England as Slave Trader and Slave Owner
Sklavenhändler und Sklavenhalter (England as Slave Trader and Slave
Owner), number 8 from the anti-British propaganda book
series “England ohne Maske” from 1940.
RAD Grenzland Baden, Spaten zur Hand
Grenzland Baden Spaten zur Hand!, a high-quality First edition Nazi hardcover
photo book about the history and development of the Reichsarbeitsdienst in
NSDAP Gau Baden along the French border - great photo content
Nazi Party program 1943
A 1943 edition of Das Programm der NSDAP wird erfüllt! by Alfred Himstedt,
a rare Nazi publication about the fulfillment of the
basic principles and goals of the Nazi Party.
Soldatenblätter für Feier und Freizeit OKW 1942
The winter 1942 edition of Soldatenblätter für Feier und Freizeit, a heavily illustrated
book with stories written by and for members serving in the German Wehrmacht
published by the OKW, complete with original Feldpost postcards.
Das Jahr IV Nazi photo book
The Third Reich hardcover photo book DAS JAHR IV - THE FOURTH YEAR,
achievements by and facts about the NSDAP in the year 1937.
Westfront 1940
A Nazi War Propaganda Booklet called Wir von der Westfront telling the story of the
1940 invasion of Belgium and France. Includes a story about the Westwall ring.
1940 Altmark Incident
A rare English language Nazi book from the Britain Unmasked series called  THE
, the GERMAN point-of-view of the 'Altmark Incident'
"Fellow Citizens from the West - Gau Oberdonau Offers You a New Home",
a historic 1943 integration publication for bombed out evacuees
from the west to be resettled
near Linz.
Nazi Gorget
Photos and war diary excerpts from the 1940 Wehrmacht invasion of France and
Belgium in the original Nazi book Die Roten Teufel sind die Hölle!
nazi propaganda
Rare 1940 Feldpost edition of Englands Räuberhand
(the Thieving Hand of England or the Predatory Hand of England).
DJ books
An assortment of Nazi era hunting books: hunting exhibition catalog,
the 1939 Nazi Hunting Law, horn signals, hunting records.
USMBOOKS.com has FIVE index pages of rare, original
Third Reich era German books for sale.
This is page 2.