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Almanach der nationalsozialistischen Revolution is a rare First Edition illustrated quite anti-Semitic Third Reich book with contributions by people (“powerful forces”) that helped create and fought for the creation of a National Socialist Germany. This is a 1934 First Edition (1 - 20,000) published shortly before the June 1934 Night of the Long Knives and contains the portrait of, and a chapter by SA-Stabschef Ernst Röhm which were removed from subsequent editions of this book (and frequently torn out of First Editions like this one!).

This 6 x 9 inch hardcover book has 240 glossy paper pages with chapters such as: |
The Idea of the Weimar State and its Supporters by Wulf Bley,
The Antithesis of National Socialism - Nation or Class by Dr. Heinz Weiß,
Military Capability or Pacifism by Reichswehrminister Generaloberst von Blomberg,
The Nation and its Economy by Dr. Arthur R. Hermann,
The Party and its Special Organizations by Dr. Robert Ley,
The SA and SS by Ernst Röhm (pictured above),
The National Socialist Youth Movement by Reichsjugendführer Baldur von Schirach,
Auslandsorganisation der NSDAP by Ernst Wilhelm Bohle, The Battle and its Funds by Reichsminister Dr. Goebbels,
The Presidential Elections of 1932 by Oberpräsident Wilhelm Kube, The National Revolution - the Battle against Marxism and Separatism by Hermann Göring,
Foreign Countries and the German Revolution by Count Ernst Reventlow,
Revolution of the Spirit by Staatskommissar Hans Hinkel (of the Nazi Propaganda Ministry),
One State - One Will by Dr. Wilhelm Frick,
The Jews by C. N. Köhn (accompanied by the Mjölnir illustration shown left that incorporates caricatures of Albert Einstein, George Bernhard, Theodor Wolff, Stefan Zweig, Siegfried Kuttner and others). |

The content of this rare First Edition of Almanach der nationalsozialistischen Revolution was assembled by Oberpräsident Wilhelm Kube with cooperation by Willi Bischoff and Dr. Heinz Weiß and published by Brunnen Verlag Willi Bischoff, a controversial and outspoken pro-Nazi publishing house in Berlin. Publisher Willi Bischoff was an early and ardent National Socialist, leader of the German Magazine Publishing Association, member of the Reichsschrifttumskammer of the Reichskulturkammer. In 1935 Dr. Goebbels appointed Bischoff to the Reichskultursenat of the RKK.
Above, the portrait of Adolf Hitler in this 1934 book
is slightly damaged. Note the 'scratch' on the face.
Above, an uncomplimentary picture of Jews,
with the caption “Figures of the System”.
Each chapter has a picture of the author and interspersed in the text are additional photos of Adolf Hitler, the grave of Horst Wessel, Jews (“Figures of the System”), Nazi Party Days in Nuremberg, Hitler Youth boys, marching pacifists (“Traitors to the Future”), laborers at work (“Work for Bread”), protesting communists on 1 May contrasted with a mass of German workers giving the Hitler salute on 1 May 1933, etc.
This 1934 First Edition of "The Almanac of the National Socialist Revolution"
is ** SOLD **
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This 90 year old hardcover First Edition of Almanach der nationalsozialistischen Revolution is complete and in fine, little used condition. Tight spine, nothing torn out, no writing, no odor.