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This is an original 1942 edition of the superb oversized SS photo book SS Kavallerie im Osten (SS Cavalry in the East). This is NOT a modern reprint! It was published by Verlag Westermann of Braunschweig for the SS-Kavallerie-Brigade, and was especially created for its leaders and men.
Most collectors and many libraries have never seen an actual example of this book. This one is the nicest example we have ever purchased in our decades in this business.

This 10 - 13-¼ inch, 296 page hardcover book with linen spine contains the most remarkable photos taken by SS-Kriegsberichter (SS war correspondents) embedded with the SS Cavalry Brigade of SS-Obergruppenführer und General der Waffen-SS Hans Jüttner who was also the Chef des SS-Führungshauptamt, the head of the SS agency for the training of SS Officers and the coordination of the relationship between the Waffen-SS and Wehrmacht. As an interesting aside, Jüttner founded a chapter of the HIAG in Bad Tölz in the 1960s, the mutual assistance association for former members of the Waffen-SS.
The book starts with a short history of the origins of the SS-Kavallerie-Brigade (founded by order of Reichsführer-SS Himmler) and their participation in the Wehrmacht invasion of Poland in 1939. The rest of the text covers the start of the "Battle Against Bolshevism", the invasion of the Soviet Union on 22 June 1941.
There are short stories and chapters about military situations in which horses were needed and could perform better than motorcycles, the endless roads east, towns and villages en route, encounters with the enemy, reconnaissance patrols, the desolation of the large unpopulated areas of the Soviet Paradise, roads that only existed on maps, swamps and marches, the wounded, overpowering the enemy and then losing ground again, language barriers while dealing with the local population, billeting and food supplies, winter battles of 1942 including the fierce fighting around Demjansk south of Leningrad on 17 February 1942, and finally the return to Germany.
There are also several watercolors of Soviet scenery as well as a few pen and ink illustrations, even six color photos. Inside the front and back covers of the three-pound book there are maps of the route of the SS Cavalry in Poland and the Soviet Union. The last four pages contain the index of both text and photographs.
The 51 photos on this USMBOOKS web page are only a fraction of the 296 photos in this remarkable SS photo book! It is complete and in very nice used condition. The spine of this near 75 year old book shows some foxing spots, and the corners of the covers show some wear. The two index pages in the back have a small tear at the bottom, but other than those minor flaws, this example of SS Kavallerie im Osten is in very nice, little used condition.
If having a copy of this book is important to you as part of a collection or a library archive, you should consider buying it now. Examples this good come along only rarely.
Please note: this item IS in the United States and will be shipped from Rapid City, South Dakota,
not a foreign country.
This original 1942 example of SS KAVALLERIE IM OSTEN is
USM book # 821
• IF you prefer faster and safer Priority Mail shipping with USPS Tracking add $9.95. |
• IF you wish to purchase highly recommended, but optional insurance, add $13.50. |
• We will be happy to ship abroad at additional cost. Please inquire. |
The far larger portion of this magnificent book however, contains 296 rare pictures (many full-page) of members of the SS-Cavalry Brigade, their uniforms, their horses, SS-Obergruppenführer Jüttner, SS-Brigadeführer und Generalmajor der Waffen-SS Hermann Fegelein (he married Eva Braun's sister Gretl and eventually became Adolf Hitler's brother-in-law), training and horse riding championships, SS troops heading east, crossing rivers, transportation of the wounded, battlefield graves and cemeteries, medal award ceremonies in the field, Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler visiting and reviewing his troops, SS men at rest in the most unlikely places, staff meetings in a farm field, Nazi artillery, motorcycles and bicycle troops, the contrasts encountered in the Sowjetparadies, rebuilding destroyed bridges (in the nude), fleeing Russian women and children, SS war correspondents and their typewriters at work in the field, transportation problems in muddy swamps and snowy winter conditions, Soviet war dead, Flak pulled on a horse carriage through the snow, SS-Brigadeführer Fegelein with a newborn foal, etc., etc.